Meniscus Care Treatment Amritsar | Amandeep Hospital

Meniscus Care Treatment Amritsar

Meniscus Care Treatment Amritsar

Welcome to Amandeep Hospital in Amritsar. We provided a comprehensive treatment for Meniscus Injuries. We understand that these injuries can be painful and debilitating. Our specialists in pain management guide you with proper information and provide you with effective ways of treatment procedures to recover from this knee condition that is affecting your daily life.

What is Meniscus Injuries?

The meniscus is a C-shaped fibrocartilagenous structure in the knee joint. The meniscus acts a cushion in stabilizing the knee joint. It acts a shock absorber, distributing weight and preventing friction between the bones from wear and tear. Meniscus injuries, a meniscus tears are common, often related to sports activities, sudden twisting of the knee, and other non-sports activities. It can also lead to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.

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Some of the common symptoms of a meniscus injury include:

  • Pain : Usually, the foremost sign of a meniscus injury. The pain can be sharp or dull.
  • Swelling : Swelling in the knee joint is common and might be associated with warmth or redness.
  • Limited Range of Motion : You may experience difficulty completely extending or bending your knee.
  • Locking or Catching : The knee may lock or catch during movement due to the torn meniscus fragment.


Diagnosis of Meniscus Injury is a specialized medical practice that focuses on the care and treatment of meniscus injuries. At Amandeep Hospital for Meniscus Care Treatment in Amritsar, we have a team of highly trained and experienced specialists providing accurate diagnostic results using advanced technologies and techniques.

Meniscus Care and Treatment Offered at Hospital

Our approach is to include a combination of non-surgical options and minimally invasive surgical treatment procedures. At Amandeep Hospital, we have successfully performed 90-95% with non-surgical options for meniscus injuries. We opt for minimally invasive surgery with severe complications or treatment without surgery that fails to yield the desired results.


Non-Surgical Treatment for Meniscus Injury

Rest and Ice

Resting the affected knee and applying ice can help minimize pain and swelling.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is often recommended to strengthen the surrounding muscles, enhance joint stability, and restore mobility.


Anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen can help reduce pain and inflammation. Consult your healthcare provider before using any medications.

Knee Braces

Knee braces can provide additional support and stability to the injured knee, aiding in the healing process.

Steroid Injections

Corticosteroids are a powerful form of steroid injections to reduce pain and inflammation. Your healthcare professionals administer steroid injections when meniscus tears are degenerative.

Biological Injections

Biological Injection is a drug containing material sourced from blood, bone marrow, or fat cells. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is the best example of healing meniscus injury.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

If the pain consists despite undergoing all the non-surgical treatments or you are having severe meniscus injuries, the surgical option will be the best. Arthroscopy is the widely used procedure to surgically remove damaged tissue or repair the torn meniscus.

In Partial meniscectomy, the meniscus will be surgically trimmed through a tiny incision. Following the procedure, you will be guided with exercises to increase knee strength and stability.

In meniscus repair, the damaged pieces of a meniscus will be stitched back together. Post-surgery, your doctor will recommend a rehabilitation program of exercise to improve strength and motion.

Consult Us

For Meniscus Care Treatment in Amritsar, Amandeep Hospital has a staff of experienced pain management specialists, surgeons, physiotherapists, and healthcare professionals to design a customized plan for recovery path. Consult today at our hospital to get a quick and successful recovery process. We are committed to help patients to strengthen knee stability, mobility, and pain-free life.